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Challenge Points


So, what the heck are “challenge points” or “dentist points” anyway? Challenge points are the way to quantify our driving. Similar to IR in iRacing, these points serve as a way to show how you’ve been driving. We use it to see how we are doing in our pursuit of clean, competitive driving. The more drivers participate, the more interesting it becomes to see who is the true “simdentist”

Our tracker pulls data periodically from the iRacing Data API and calculates the challenge score and records the results. These results end up shared on a Google Spreadsheet to make it easy to see your progress. The code that pulls the data is open source

The algorithm changes with each season, as we learn about drivers’ behavior. The basic recipe is consistent, the weights change. Our method calculates a challenge score based on various race parameters. It takes the following inputs

  • Race length in minutes
  • Number of drivers on the grid
  • Incident Count
  • Qualifying Position
  • Finish Position
  • Current safety rating
  • Number of laps completed in the race by this driver

Using these values for a given driver and race we then perform the following:

  1. Calculate qualifying position points, race finish position points, and incident points:
    • Qualifying Position: Points are awarded based on the position relative to the number of participants
      • 1st place: 2 points
      • top third: 1 point
      • others: 0 points
    • Race Finish Position: Points are awarded based on the finish position
      • 1st place: 4 points
      • 2nd place: 3 points
      • 3rd place: 2.5 points
      • top third: 2 points
      • middle third: 1 point
      • others: -1 point
    • Incidents: Points are awarded based on the number of incidents, adjusted by the race time leveller and safety rating
      • 0 incidents: 6 points
      • 1-5 incidents: 0 points
      • 6-8 incidents: -4 points
      • 9-12 incidents: -6 points
      • 13-16 incidents: -8 points
      • more than 16 incidents: -10 points
  2. Sums up all the points (note they can be negative.)
  3. In case you can’t make it to the grid we check to see if the number of laps completed is 0 and the incident count is 0. If so, you missed the starts and we set the score to 0.